72 printf(
"ERROR in g1p_neq(): Invalid point(s)\n");
__device__ bool fp_neq(const fp_t &x, const fp_t &y)
Compares two fp_t residues.
uint64_t fp_t[6]
Residue modulo p. Any 384-bit representative of each residue is allowed, and stored as a 6-element li...
__device__ void fp_mul(fp_t &z, const fp_t &x, const fp_t &y)
Multiplies two Fp residues x and y, stores in z.
__device__ __host__ void fp_cpy(fp_t &z, const fp_t &x)
Copy from x into z.
__device__ bool fp_eq(const fp_t &x, const fp_t &y)
Compares two residues modulo p.
__device__ bool g1p_isPoint(const g1p_t &p)
Check if the value stored in p is a valid point on the G1 curve.
__device__ __host__ void g1p_print(const char *s, const g1p_t &p)
Print a standard representation of p, preceded by the user-set string s.
__device__ bool g1p_eq(const g1p_t &p, const g1p_t &q)
Compares two projective points returns true when equal. This function compares if both parameters rep...
__device__ bool g1p_neq(const g1p_t &p, const g1p_t &q)
Compares two projective points, returns true when not equal. This function compares if both parameter...
G1 point in projective coordinates.